Building a strong sense of community for the next generation of Adelaide skaters is a big deal for us here at Free Mind Skate School. Come skate with us, and free your mind!
Photo: @benheide_photography
About Free Mind Skate School
Free Mind Skate School is an all inclusive skateboarding hub based on the South Coast of Adelaide. We focus on strong relationships and building community, while promoting safe and consistent progression on a skateboard. Free Mind Skate School understands that with the right encouragement and guidance, anything is possible. We tailor coaching solutions to all ages, genders, and skill levels so please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!
“I am seeing so many changes in my child at the moment, thanks for your input and commitment to us.”
– Cass. (Stigma Stall Program)
“Big progress again, amazing he can drop in the deep end! So surprised how much further his confidence has come, great work Josh.”
– Frank. (Stigma Stall Program)